Monday, November 11, 2013

Fun in Flannel

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

This past weekend was amazing! Not only did I get to have a hand in putting on some really awesome events, but I also got to get my half step and waltz on...yea you read that right. Didn't even know I could waltz, and kudos to my dance partner for managing to spin me in the process (he knows me so well!)

So let's go ahead and link up
Sami's Shenanigans

Amazing Presiden't Circle Event: Cocktails at the Baseball Stadium and then Dinner on the 50 yard line!
Saturday was my Bestie's Birthday! Super excited to get to celebrate with her in just 10 more days!
Ron "The Rock" Mafrige Dedication. So privileged to be a part of this new tradition.

Ring Ceremony for our 1963 National Championship Baseball Team: had a blast hanging out with these guys throughout the game
London; this little thing was strutting around in my heels. And was super excited to announce she is going to be a BIG SISTER! So excited for the Johnson family!

 Do I not have the best job? As I look back at this football season I realize just how blessed I am to have such amazing opportunities and all of the incredible things I am fortunate to be a part of. Hopefully one of those is another trip to Frisco for the Championship...finger crossed!

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