Friday, August 30, 2013

2 of my favorite F words: Fridays and Football

So today I am going to be really lame because last night was intense

It's another HALF DAY for yours truly! So I will be heading down to Spring to get my hair all beautified for our first game and will hopefully have great stories and pictures to share on Monday from our first win of the season! In the meantime let's

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Are You Ready For Some Football!

So just in case you live under a rock and weren't aware....

The first College games start tonight and NFL kicks off next week! 

So today I am going to share some of my favorite football game moments, and wish all of my teams good luck as we start this season!

And now for my teams...

I was raised in Florida and deep down will always be a Florida Gator! #BEATTOLEDO
And of course my Alma Mater playing against Texas A&M this weekend! #RICEFIGHTNEVERDIE
 And of course my new home, super excited to work my first game in #BEARKATNATION #EATEMUP #BEATHBU

Needless to say I'm headed to HEB to get some chips, queso and lots of chicken wings to get through this weekend! #TAILGATEFOODISTHEBESTFOOD

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"Workin' on my Fitness"

Well, as another week bites the dust, it's time for 
And let me just say, I have definitely been workin on my fitness and channeling my inner Fergie

 And here are the WOD's from the past week. Please note that I actually took some time off!!! Woohoo!
T25 is still going strong, thank goodness. And I will definitely be getting more serious about my workouts seeing as I finally registered for 
I'm super excited! A race where I can get covered in mud, jump off cliffs, and get electro-shocked and pay for it? SIGN ME UP!!! Sounds like a great Sunday in my book!

Hope yall are having an amazing HUMP DAY!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Another excuse to pack snacks in my purse

So last night was the Comedy Show portion of

Anytime I can find an excuse to laugh, and it's not at my expense I'M THERE!!! 
Especially when it's FREE!!!

So last night I saw Nick Kroll from The League and Aziz Ansari from Parks and Recreation

And they were

So the evening pretty much started with me walking in the door, really looking forward to enjoying a great show and probably acting something like this

Now as the show went on I of course found myself relating way too well with the material...isn't that always the case? Just like when you read your horoscope at the end of the day and somehow it magically fits? Well that happened last night, to the point where all of my coworkers turned and looked at me and were all thinking something along these lines
"aww you poor single thing, all of us are in relationships and you have to deal with all of this dating crap and social media nonsense." Ya thanks guys, I didn't already know how much the dating world nowadays sucks!
 As we heard last night, social media has made it impossible to have genuine conversations with people and texting keeps us all from communicating. That's why we all feel like
We also learned that when you get any of the 3 forms of rejection from text messages;
1. The scheduling conflict: oh I'm sorry I've been really busy or I have to work
2. Silence: this person seriously can't even send an emogi?
3. Honesty: Hey, I'm not interested
The other person is not interested!

So my take away from this show? I need to accept that the above is truth and just embrace being my awesome self and start sending really awesome pickup line texts! "As you go to sleep tonight, rest assured, I'll be thinking of you" BOOM! Anyone who was at the show knows, this was by far the highlight of the evening.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Anything you can do, I can do in Heels

My weekend was pretty laid back, it mostly consisted of movie nights and just relaxing. So let's link up with 

Sami's Shenanigans

Friday night I went over to Hans' apartment where we had some delicious steaks and watched
 Now this by no means is my new favorite movie, but I will say that it had it's moments

Saturday consisted of a lot of the same, although I replaced steak with pizza and picked a MUCH better movie!
Now I love this movie, this was my swim team's pump up movie before every big meet! I was shocked to actually find out that one of my friends hadn't seen it, but he actually hadn't even heard of it! I know!! Talk about Cray me, I will do my best to rectify that situation.

Because let's be real, how do I not love these guys?

Saturday also consisted of myself, Maria and Melissa coming to my former room mates rescue and changing a flat tire. Now I know this doesn't sound all that exciting, but when you are in heels and a's pretty dang entertaining
Eventually the heels came off and I was laying right on the ground next to them
Sunday was a lot of the same, just watching tv movies and hanging out. Thank goodness I was able to catch up on sleep because this week is going to be AMAZING!!! It's GAME WEEK!!!

And I'm super excited because tonight, Hans and I are going to see
Happy Monday Everyone!