Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tuesday Shenanigans with a little Confetti

Hi Everyone!

Now I know today is workout Wesnesday, so I am going to recap very briefly my week of fitness. Still going strong on my T25 challenge and lost another 3 lbs this week, whoop whoop! Crossfit workouts this week were not my best, so in light of this I finally did something no one saw coming, I took a day off! I know, crazy! But hopefully my body will react better in class today and not crawl into the fetal position in the corner, like it has so desperately wanted.

Now onto a much more exciting topic! Last night a group of us went out to celebrate the departure of this girl
Tay Tay
Now we are not excited that she is leaving, other than that she is going to do amazing things at TCU and be a rockstar! 

So here is a photo recap of our evening Shenanigans!
Have a great rest of your HUMP DAY!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday Throwback-Best Friend Edition

Today I have decided to introduce you all to my best friend Stephanie, or as we she likes to call herself, Stephalicious! Steph and I have been friends since high school and have had some pretty amazing adventures.

And when my best friend got married to one of the best guys I know, I managed to take all of these memories and rap one of the best maid of honor speeches EVER! If I do say so myself :-)

I am so sad that this girl is all the way in Florida and not just down the road so I can visit her whenever I want! She was the inspiration for my blog and I can't wait until she comes to visit! In the meantime this is how we feel about the distance between us.

Thank goodness for G-Chat! Hope you all have an amazing Tuesday and be prepared for a recap of my evening Shenanigans tonight!! Toodles!

Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm on a Boat!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Today I'm linking up with Sami's Shenanigans, to share my amazing weekend adventures! My weekend started out great! I had some awesome BBQ on Friday with these lovely people

Hans and Hannah
After this amazing meal, I took part in a tradition I have become accustomed to after 8pm, Sonic 1/2 Price Shakes! Needless to say I went into an awesome food coma that night!
Now Saturday was amazing, mostly because it involved being out on a boat ALL day! Which let's be honest, who doesn't enjoy being out on the water, with amazing people, a drink in your hand, and a little Robin Thicke playing the background? (I can sense your jealousy already)
  Me and Wes
 Robby being amazing as always
 Me and Morgan
 Yea, I'm a swimmer and I'm using a life jacket b/c I was feeling lazy
 Me, Morgan and Christina
 Me and Morgan, again
 Morgan, and note Mickal creepin' in the background
  With the Ride or Die, Hannah
 So as you can see it was an amazing weekend. We just about made it back in one piece, thanks to Captain JR. The rest of the weekend was filled with more amazing food. If you haven't been to Potato Shack in Huntsville, YOU NEED TO!! It was delicious! And Sunday of course has become a Double Dave's Buffet kind of tradition. So other than getting tan, getting some great eats and hanging with some fabulous people, I enjoyed the many movie marathons that FX and HBO had to offer.

 Hope you all had as great of a weekend as I did and that you have an even better week!


Friday, July 19, 2013

Can I Holla At You For A Minute?

In the spirit of the weekend, I have decided to post some of the cheesiest and worst pickup lines I’ve heard. Who knows, if you’re lucky, you might hear some of these over the next few days, I know my fingers are crossed! 
 A little pep-talk for all you guys who don't know how to approach the situation.

 Who doesn't love Fresh Prince?

· I don’t know if you know this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
· How about you wrap your legs around my head so I can wear you like the crown that you are?
· I don’t have a girlfriend, but I do know a woman that would be mad at me for saying that.
· Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.
· Inheriting 80 million dollars doesn’t mean much, when you don’t have anyone to share it with.
· Are you busy tonight at 2am?
· On a scale of 0 to American, how free are you tonight?
· I’ll be Burger King and you be McDonald’s, I’ll have it my way and you’ll be lovin’ it!
· I’ve got a special delivery, where should I put my package? In the front or in the back?
·  Do you have a map? Because I’m getting lost in your eyes.
· Would you grab my arm, so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?
·  I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours?
· Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
· If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry. I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas.
· It’s a good thing that I have my library card, because I am totally checking you out!
· Are you a parking ticket? Because you have FINE written all over you!
· If I received a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you, I’d have five cents.
· You’re so beautiful, you made me forget my pickup line.
· People call me John, but you can call me tonight!
· See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I’m cute.
·      Girl: I have a BF.
Guy: I have a pet goldfish
Girl: What?

Guy: I thought we were talking about things that didn’t matter.
· I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.
· I want to tell you your fortune (takes girls hand and writes number on it), your future is clear.
· How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice...Hi, my name’s Eric!
· Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see.

 Thank goodness I have Ride or Die friends that wingman for me like this, although I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a problem with Ryan Gosling asking me to go home with him. Would you? Yea, that's what I thought

      And this weekend, my goal is to try these slick pickup options with my girl Hannah! 
                                                                Look out Huntsville!


        And lastly, I will leave you with the guy that just won't quit and keeps coming back for more!

                                                    Have a great weekend everyone!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Few of my Favorite Things

I figured today would be a great chance for you all to get to know a little bit more about me, since you are oh so interested! 

We are all familiar with the Sound of Music’s “Favorite Things” song. So I decided to compile a list for your entertainment, enjoy!

Color: Pink
Candy: Hot Tamales
Food: Italian, specifically Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo
Drink: Mountain Dew
Music Genre: Country (Brad Paisley obviously!)
TV Show: Big Bang Theory and True Blood
Place: The Beach
Football Team: Indianapolis Colts
Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves
Basketball Team: Orlando Magic
Movie: Legally Blonde
Actor: Ryan Reynolds, can you blame me?
Actress: Reese Witherspoon, note fav. movie 
Author: Janet Evanovich 
Holiday: Does my birthday count? probably Thanksgiving
Night of the year: Girls Night! next question
Animal: My Cat, Sterling
Fashion Staple: High Heels, they are literally taking over my closet

Misc: Funfetti Cupcakes, My Old Mustangs, Coloring, Crossfit, Impromtu Dance Parties, Cheerleading, Swimming, Sales, Nail Polish, Taking Pictures, My Amazing Friends and Family, and of course I can now add Blogging!

Now for those of you that are more visual learners, fret not! Here is the list in a more appealing collage. 

 I hope you all enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about me. Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Workout Wednesday

Hi Everyone,

My name is Ashten and I am officially back on the blogging scene! I figured I would go ahead and start this hump day off with a weekly post I like to call WORKOUT WEDNESDAY! Each week I will be posting about Crossfit, fitness trends, nutrition, my progress and anything else workout related. Hopefully these weekly updates will encourage you, yourself to be active and do your part to #endthetrend

I recently got back into Crossfit, and am so glad I did. I workout, here in Huntsville at      
and have met some amazing people and am officially addicted.  I would highly recommend getting involved in Crossfit if there is a box near you. As a former athlete, I find it hard to stay motivated working out by myself and tend to need that element of accountability. When I’m at Crossfit, not only do I get pre-written workouts, (that change on a daily basis) but I also get a close group of friends that push and motivate me! Below are the WOD’s (Workout of the Day) that we did for the past week.

On top of my daily Crossfit schedule, I recently agreed to do a 10 week challenge with my co-worker Hans. This challenge includes waking up at 6am for 10 weeks to tryout the
latest BeachBody program T25. So far I am surviving, and having amazing results! In just one week, I managed to drop 9lbs and 2 1/2 inches overall! (Disclaimer: I also adjusted my nutrition. No, I am not on a diet, I am simply taking in more protein and supplements to ensure I have the energy to get through all of my workouts and feel great!) Needless to say, so far I am loving this challenge and am very excited to see what my Week 2 results will look like.

If you have tried either Crossfit or T25 and are have amazing results and wish to share, please do! The more that we can all do to motivate one another, the better! Also, if you would like any information on either of these fitness programs, please feel free to contact me and I would love to talk more about them with you!

Happy Hump Day Everyone! Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoyed my first post!