So I have seen this little game popping up all over the blogesphere and decided, hey why not? And since it's Thursday, my version of Friday (yes I get another Friday off!! Wooohooo!!), I figure my brain deserves a creative day off. Heregoznothing!!
Vacationing in Florida or vacationing in NYC: When living in Florida I would have definitely gone with NYC. But now that I am a Texas resident, I definitely have to go with my Sunshine state and all of my lovely friends that are still there...FLORIDA FOR THE W!!!
iPhone or Droid: Droid! Not even a contest! I got pulled onto the droid side at the very beginning and have been loyal and unwavering ever since. Plus let's be honest Siri tends to be pretty rude.
NSYNC or Backstreet Boys: Oh this is hard...while I do have a Backstreet Boys CD playing in my car right now, I would definitely have to say that JT and the boys of NSYNC were the Shiznit!! I mean we all had that Teen People Magazine centerfold right?
Being forced to delete Facebook or being forced to delete Twitter: Twitter. I definitely go weeks at a time forgetting that I even have a twitter account.
Fireball or Miller Lite: Fireball for sure! I love those things, although they don't always love me back.
Full House or Family Matters: Full House. What wasn't to like?

Dumbledore or Gandalf: Dumbledore. Is it bad that I don't even know who Gandalf is? I'm guessing Lord of the rings or something...but I am a Harry Potter fan through and through.
Dying Easter eggs or Carving pumpkins: Carving Pumpkins! Easter Eggs never come out how I want them to, which is always depressing. But those pumpkins can be so much fun!!
NFL or NCAAF: NCAAF!!! Nothing like College Football! As much as I love my Broncos, I will always be ready for Saturdays and watching any of my teams play! (FLORIDA GATORS, RICE OWLS, and SAM HOUSTON STATE BEARKATS)
A hangover forever or sobriety forever: Oh goodness, neither of these options sounds fun. I would have to go with sobriety forever! Luckily for me, I mastered being able to party with water and gatorade. Thank you dry season!!
January or July: I would say January because my birthday and spring would be just around the corner, but let's be honest July=Summer, Football gearing up, and soooo much great food! July wins!
Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus: Oh this question needed to be asked before the VMA's. As much as I love Miley's music, I'm struggling to pick. I guess I'll go with Miley by default.
Shark Week or Fashion Week: Shark Week! What kind of questions is that? As much as I love fashion, that's what fashion police and magazines are for. I want to watch all of the terrifying documentaries!
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Saved by the Bell: Do I have to choose? I think all and all I'd have to go with Saved By the Bell. Who didn't love Zach and Slater?

Britney or Christina: It's Britney B$tch!! Oops I did it Again was the first concert I went to! And you better believe I'll start looking into that Vegas show, once the deal is final!
Burrito or Burrito Bowl: Neither. I'm that one weird person left in the world that doesn't like burritos. Ooh well....
Reading blogs on your phone or reading blogs on your computer: As much as I love my phone, it is literally the most miserable thing in the world to try and read through blogs on my phone. Videos don't load properly, links never work, and it's just a hot mess! No Bueno!
Angelina or Jennifer: Team Jennifer!!!! That woman is perfect!
Doug Funny or The Rugrats: This is tough. Although I'm a sucker for Quail Man and the Silver Skeeter, I think I'm gonna have to go with the Rugrats! I think it's because I can relate to Angelica's obsession with cookies....
An open mouth chewer or a heavy breather: Hmmm....I must say I despise both of these habits. I guess I would have to go with heavy breather...I could just pretend in my head that you just went for a long run. TADA Problem Solved!
And that's it for today, have a great Thursday! And a Happy Birthday Shout Out to this guy
Hope you have a great day!!